Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holy Holy Holy

I can't get over the beauty of this song.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lo, a rose e'er blooming

[A free-flowing sonnet dedicated to the Bride]

Lo, a rose e'er blooming,
nested among thorns.
Your Beloved came and sought thee
pricked His hands and feet,
stained thee
and infused
life unto thee
through redemption, death, and salvation.

O perfect rose e'er blooming,
O bright star e'er shinning,
O vast field e'er growing,
Thy captivating beauty
has made Thy Beloved
Rejoice over thee.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Word of the day

Resilience [rɪˈzɪlɪəns] - The idea of an individual's tendency to cope with stress and adversity. This coping may result in the individual “bouncing back” to a previous state of normal functioning, or using the experience of exposure to adversity to produce a “steeling effect” and function better than expected. Resilience is most commonly understood as a process, and not a trait of an individual (definition à la Wikipedia).

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dia de Enero

"Ya vas a ver como van sanando poco a poco tus heridas."

Deep inside, I'm still the introverted girl that loves Shakira songs, history books and good poetry.

Some things never change.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Great Yearning

I've been thinking a lot about eternity lately.

I believe that hope is essential for a happy and healthy Christian life, specially for the down-trodden and the broken-hearted. Hope keeps my heart from falling into the pit of despair.

There is something about eternity that really captures my heart. I came up with three main points of why I look forward to eternity.

1. The fulfillment of God's dream and my dream. The church will be complete. New Jerusalem is the culmination of God's plan. I look forward to that epic moment of the manifestation of the bride --when New Jerusalem descends from heaven to earth. The bride will be in her full splendour and glory. Although the Bible mentions that there will be no more tears, that day I will shed tears of exuberant joy. I strive for God's dream everyday.

2. The restoration of broken relationships. I must admit that this is one of the main reasons why I look forward to eternity: the family reunion in the clouds. No more separation. No more misunderstandings. No more sorrows and tears. All the saints will dwell in love and harmony with God. The verses in Psalm 133 resonate within me as I write these words.

3. The hope of the better things to come. The failures and the temporal nature of this world convinces me that there must be far better things to come. What we live is merely a shadow of eternity.

"...for the former things have passed away" (Revelation 21:4).

"Behold I am making all things new" (Revelation 21:5).

Rejoice! For eternity is at hand. Let us all enjoy our journey Home.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

De la Vida del Cielo

Alma región luciente,
prado de bienandanza, que ni al hielo
ni con el rayo ardiente
fallece, fértil suelo,
producidor eterno de consuelo;
de púrpura y de nieve
florida, la cabeza coronado,
a dulces pastos mueve,
sin honda ni cayado,
el buen Pastor en ti su hato amado;
él va y en pos dichosas
le siguen sus ovejas, do las pace
con inmortales rosas,
con flor que siempre nace
y cuanto más se goza más renace;
y dentro a la montaña
del alto bien las guía; ya en la vena
del gozo fiel las baña
y les da mesa llena,
pastor y pasto él solo, y suerte buena.

---Fray Luis de León

Monday, November 21, 2011

Be anxious for nothing

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

This verse helped me a lot today.

I'm glad everything is now solved. I can move on happily in life.

God is so good to me :D

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Te recuerdo como eras

Te recuerdo como eras en el último otoño.
Eras la boina gris y el corazón en calma.
En tus ojos peleaban las llamas del crepúsculo.
Y las hojas caían en el agua de tu alma.

Apegada a mis brazos como una enredadera,
las hojas recoían tu voz lenta y en calma.
Hoguera de estupor en que mi sed ardía.
Dulce jacinto azul torcido sobre mi alma.

Siento viajar tus ojos y es distante el otoño:
boina gris, voz de pájaro y corazón de casa
hacia donde emigraban mis profundos anhelos
y caían mis besos alegres como brasas.

Cielo desde un navio. Campo desde los cerros.
Tu recuerdo es de luz, de humo, de estanque en calma!
Más allá de tus ojos ardían los crepúsculos.
Hojas secas de otoño giraban en tu alma.

---Pablo Neruda

Friday, November 11, 2011

In Awestruck Wonder

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand.

[Psalm 139:17:18)

If I could count Your thoughts,
It would take me an eternity to number them...

I was meditating the other day,
about how would I spend my days in eternity.
In the Millennium,
I want to travel to all parts of the world with the Lord.
I want to have long, deep conversations with Him...
Meet His gaze, and feel His heart beat.
I want to compose songs together
under the stars,
and sing our love to one another.

I long for Him.
This is such a crazy yearning.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We are like those who dream

When the LORD brought back the captivity of Zion,
We were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
And our tongue with singing.
Then they said among the nations,
“The LORD has done great things for them.”
The LORD has done great things for us,
And we are glad.

(Psalm 126:1-3)


[I'm going to be a nerd, and post my lifespan paper on identity in my blog.]

Erik Erikson’s fifth stage of psychosocial development consists of identity versus role confusion (Berger, 2010). The adolescent in this stage is constantly seeking his or her identity. The complexities of finding one’s own identity as a person become the primary crisis of adolescence (Erikson, 1968). In this paper, I will attempt to discuss and explore the development of my identity as an adolescent using Erikson’s psychosocial development theory and James Marcia’s theory of identity achievement.

According to Erikson, the ultimate goal that resolves this crisis is identity achievement (Berger, 2010). Identity is achieved when adolescents reconsider the goals and values set by their parents and culture, while accepting some and rejecting others. “With their new autonomy, they maintain continuity with their past in order to move toward their future” (Berger, 2010).

Inspired by Erik Erikson, James Marcia described three specific ways in which young people cope with this crisis as they strive for identity achievement: role confusion, foreclosure and moratorium.

Role Confusion is the opposite of identity achievement. It is characterized by a lack of commitment to any goals or values, with apathy and indifference regarding every possible role (Berger, 2010). Role confusion is sometimes called identity diffusion. Some adolescents seem diffuse, unfocused, apathetic and about their future.

To some degree, I experienced role confusion during my last year in High School. I suffered a mild case of “senioritis.” During my last term as a senior, I struggled to get out of bed to go to school. The overwhelming stress of final exams, projects, oral presentations and maintaining my circle of friends triggered a reaction in me. I became more withdrawn. I refused to go to parties, and preferred to read on a Friday night. According to my mom, I became lazier. I was unwilling to help in my family business when they needed me. I wanted my space. My response to demands and stress was indifference.

Foreclosure occurs when, in order to halt the confusion, young people short-circuit their search by accepting traditional values without examining them (Berger, 2010). Or they might adopt an oppositional, negative identity.

I experienced an onset of identity crisis as a Chinese in a Spanish speaking country. Should I embrace my parent’s culture or conform to the majority of my peers? There were no clear-cut traditional values for me. I had to juggle around my role and identity in order to find myself. Subsequently, I adopted multiple identities. For example, when I was home, I lived up to my parent’s expectations: helping out in the business, being respectful and working hard in my homework. When I was school, I tried to fit into my peer group by hanging out in parties, drinking and adopting their style. At church, I tried my best to act like a Christian. I dressed modestly, and behaved decently before the church leaders and members. However, I faced many struggles in my heart. I felt that I was not being true to myself. I was putting on different masks to fit into different social roles. I conformed to the traditional roles and expectations. As a result, I felt fragmented, which led me to a period of moratorium in my late teens.

Moratorium is a kind of time-out. Moratorium is considered a more mature response than foreclosure (Berger, 2010). Societies provide many moratoria that allow adolescents to postpone final identity achievement when they leave high school.

After graduating from High School, I decided to take a break from my studies. From a normal person’s perspective, it seems that I have achieved a lot. I graduated with honours, achieved top marks in the national exams and made a lot of friends. But I felt that there was something lacking in my life. My spiritual life was at it low point. I felt empty inside. Therefore, I decided to embark into a three-month trip to Vancouver. I worked as a volunteer in a Summer day camp, and enrolled in my church’s training program. I took classes on Church History, Systematic Theology, and Mental Health. During those three months, I was able to build meaningful relationships with my church members. I did not feel pressured to fit into social roles. I could freely be myself, and be accepted for who I was. I also developed a stronger relationship with God. I felt that I have finally found myself. Because of my positive experiences during my moratorium, I decided to stay in Vancouver to pursue further education.

Thinking about the formation of my identity as a teenager, I believe that my religious identity was the most distinct among the four arenas of identity achievement. I became a Christian when I was 12. I chose a religion that was different from my parents’. My dad is Buddhist, and my mother is a Catholic. As a result, I was very different from my family and peers. My religion gave me values to stand on. Even though I faced a period of confusion and rebellion, I still held those values close to my life.

I had many circles of friends at school. But my closest friends were my Christian friends. They had a very big impact in my life. My best friend was a missionary kid. He introduced me to Christian culture –Christian music, youth groups and missionary trips. His parents invited me over their house to their gatherings, and to short-term mission trips. These experiences helped me to develop a passion for missions, and to pursue a meaningful life devoted to God and His commission. Thus, when I was in University, I joined many missionary trips. I went to Fiji in 2008, 2009 and 2010. I recently came back from a 2-month mission trip in South Africa.

Looking back, the development of my identity as a teenager was an emotional and confusing journey. At times, I felt so depressed and fragmented that I was about to give up. It was not easy to keep up to society’s expectations when I knew that I was so different inside. However, I learned that the most important part of this stage in life was to accept myself for who I was. It was during my moratorium in my late teens, that I finally found and embraced my identity. I treasure the fact that I am unique: I am a Chinese born in a Spanish country, a passionate Christian, and a human being with talents and dreams.


Berger, Kathleen Stassen. (2010). Invitation to the Life Span. New York: Worth Publishers.

Kandom video:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Never let go

When I found Him whom my soul loveth:
I held Him, and would not let Him go.
(Song of Solomon 3:4)

If I ever decide to have a tattoo, I would have this verse imprinted in my arm.

Never let me go, Lord.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making melody in my heart

My heart is Your favourite dwelling place.
You inundate my life with songs of joy and love,
Making melody in my heart.
You shine an inextinguishable light in my heart,
giving me faith, hope and love
amidst darkness and storms.

There is no need to despair.
For You've mended and repaired
my broken heart and dreams.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


[A poetic sketch of the self]

When people ask me who I am,
I say,
I am fluid...
Clay in the outside,
Molten lava in the inside,
Melting as I travel,
to places,
to cultures,
to peoples,
to stories,
to memories,
solidifying into a myriad of emotions,
moments of existence,
an identity.

I am liquid,
flowing like a river.
I am
a cascading melody that sings through:
steep rocks,
high mountains,
deserts, meadows,
praires, forests,
clashing with the waves
of the mighty wide ocean.
I carry with me the
essence of existence,
dreams, hopes, joy,
strength to move mountains,

I am fire,
Burning with desire,
Fervently crackling,
smothering, firing
the love dream
hidden in the
deepest crevice of my

I am a human soul.

There's a Volcanoe bursting inside of me;
A Fountain of joy that forever overflows
and life in abundance.
He is my Source since the beginning.

Kandom note: You have to visualize the imagery to understand this poem. Flow with the words and structure. Read it from the bottom-up. Hint: Think of a volcanoe.

Inspiration: Modernist movement, GEOG 103, ANTH 100, my multi-cultural background, Chemistry, Brother Fish's song, Tori Amos.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Slow dancing with my Lover

Slow dancing with my Lover,
Swirling under the stars,
Singing sweetly along with Him,
Our love song under the skies.

His left arm is under my head
and His right arm embraces me.

The flames of His love consume me.
I am engulfed by His everlasting desire.
I am irrevocably, madly and helplessly,
In love with my True Beloved.

Lord, I cannot live without You.

Kandom note: Poem inspired by Song of Songs and Dolly Parton's Slow Dancing with the Moon.

Kandom verse: I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart, And my spirit ponders (Psalm 77:6).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Video Portrait

Frankie made a video portrait of me. This video pretty much sums up my life.

On another note, I'm really homesick. Talking to my dad and listening to Spanish music triggers strong feelings in me.

I miss my roots.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Behind the veil

Behind the veil,
the Father yearns with a heavy heart,
for His child to come home.
He has waited for so long,

He has prepared a feast;
delicacies of every kind,
Composed symphonies of love and joy.
Oh how He longs to hold his hand again,
Oh how He longs to hear his voice
after a tired day of work
"Father, I'm home again!"

So deep is His craving for His son's love.
Who could possibly understand His heart?
Who could count His numerous love thoughts?

Oh how He yearns for His son.

"Come home, my son!"

"I need you more than you need me!"

Yet from a distance, He sees a wretched figure.
Covered in mud and digrace...
The Father is moved by compassion,
dashes out to embrace His child.
He passionately tears the veil.
And embraces the son back to the Holy of Holies!!

"Home is not the same without you"

"Oh I love you so!"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

South Africa

South Africa is such a beautiful country.

The majestic mountains and the sea echo some kind of untamed beauty in the land.

The sky is ever so blue, fettered with cirrus clouds.

There is a mix of natural and supernatural elements embedded in the landscape.

The beach is 20 minute walk away from home. We sometimes go there to draw near to God. The ocean reminds me of God's unconditional and unmeasurable love to me.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Our charity work in South Africa mainly focuses on the children in Nkanini, a subdivision in Khayelitsha. I was quite surprised that such a rich country like South Africa still had slum areas. There are high incidents of alcoholism, rape and violence in Nkanini. Children grow up in really poor conditions.

The adults are mostly busy during the day with work so they cannot take care of the children. They take their children to the Educare centre for childcare. The children basically rely on charity for their food and care.

We are in charge of the after-school program. We basically go to Nkanini from Tuesday to Thursday to provide English, Math and Bible classes. The children enjoy it immensely.

We also have fellowship on Sundays. It's so precious that we can share the love of God to these little children. Yesterday I shared about the Lord's resurrection and how it helps us to have hope in life. I sang "Because He lives" with a group of girls and they really enjoyed it. We kept singing it on repeat.

Please pray for our gospel work in Nkanini. We want to give more than tutoring services or charity to the children. We want them to truly enjoy of the love of the Heavenly Father.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


[Pick n Pay. I'm with a friend. A man comes and greets us]

*Ignores, I think he is a creeper*
Hello again!
I saw you praying at the beach today.
Oh, really?
My dad is a pastor. Maybe you can come visit our church some day. Here, I'll leave you my phone number.
That's great. *Walks away*
(I felt the creeper vibe so I ignored it)

[At the park, a lady approaches me]
Hi there!
Are you praying?
I noticed that you pray everyday. That's very good.
Thank you.
So what do you pray?
I pray to God for ourselves and ministry in Nkanini.
You should pray for this neighborhood. This neighborhood needs prayers.
Yes, I think so too.
See that car parked there? That's my house. You can come visit anytime.
Thanks! Bye!

It's funny how people around the neighborhood takes notice of us praying. There are many church-goers in Cape Town but how many people are really experiencing God everyday?

Keep praying.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

UBC Graduation

I'm officially an alumni! Thank God that I finally graduated from University.

The ceremony was a bit long and awkward to tell you the truth. There were many random moments, such as the saxophone playing, the asian pose and loud cheering from the crowd. It was funny.

But the loudest cheer came from my heavenly Father and my Beloved of course. They were celebrating and cheering for me. It's so precious to have Them in every step of my life.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

UBC lip dub

My university made a lip dub video. It's awesome.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ABC 40 years

My elementary/Highschool celebrated its 40 years anniversary!

I miss my days in the ABC. They were awesome!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Holy Sonnet X

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell;
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

----John Donne

I'm having one of those moments where I can relate to Donne's poetry. I was lucky enough to have an English teacher in Highschool who was passionate about poetry. Random lines of Donne's poetry would pop up in my mind in crucial moments of my life. Last night, I had one of those moments. I was meditating about death, and how our life-embracing soul cannot resolve with the idea of death. Death will always hurt us. Why does death brings us so much sorrow? In some way, I thought, death was never meant to exist. We were created to live eternal lives. But because of sin, death entered into the world. Anyways, to make the long story short, I tried to connect the death of Lazarus (I've been reading John 11) and this poem together. And then I remembered how the Lord was the first One to overcome death. He has given us life and hope. We shall overcome death with Him.

"Death, thou shalt die."
(My favorite line of the Holy Sonnet. It's so powerful that it blows my mind.)

Kandom Video: Amor Eterno. Dedicated to my grandparents. May you rest in peace.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


My dear grandpa passed away today. I didn't know him very well because I spent little time with him. But I knew that he loved us very much. He was an excellent cook and was a very attentive man. And he loved my grandma very much. He was devoted to her. I wish I could find a good husband like my grandpa.

The following is something my brother wrote about him. I apologize to all my English readers but this is in Spanish.

El año era 1993 y si algo marco mi vida fue que probé por primera vez un exquisito platillo de mi abuelo, mi abuelito, Gong Gong.

Dios me dio la bendición de poder haber conocido a mis dos abuelos maternos. Uno creería que por la distancia no podíamos tener una buena relación, pero mas que una buena relación ellos han dejado una huella en mi vida y corazón.

Pasivo, callado y muy cariñoso fue siempre mi abuelo. Era un hombre de pocas palabras pero por sus acciones uno fácilmente entendía que el nos quería.

Si empiezo a hacer matemática tal vez yo no fui de esos niños que tuvo a su abuelo todos los días como vecino para que le contara historias de dormir. Pero las veces que si estuve con el, creo que el y yo aprovechamos al máximo los momentos.

Lo que mas le gustaba era ir a tomar te chino todas las mañanas a algún restaurante de la zona, eso nunca podía faltar. Era de los mejores momentos porque el siempre pedía un montón de comida de la mas deliciosa a sus nietos. Desde un pato asado hasta todo los dim sum que uno puede imaginar.

Las ultimas veces que fui con el teníamos que ir en silla de ruedas, yo lo ayudaba a bajar las gradas y luego llevarlo en la silla. Aun con el impedimento físico esto nunca lo detuvo de ir todas las mañanas. Un ejemplo digno de una persona que el espíritu luchador es mas grande que los obstáculos.

Este espíritu luchador se lo forjo la historia, la dura historia que tuvo que vivir durante su juventud. Vivió dos guerras, una mundial y la otra civil agregado a una revolución cultural. Fue durante estos tiempos que conoció a mi abuela que también en paz descanse.

Los dos tuvieron 6 hijos siendo, la menor mi mama, llego a tener hasta una bisnieta. La manera en la cual mis dos abuelos se conocieron fue un tanto místico ya que mi abuela venia de El Salvador y el de China, solo Dios sabrá porque hizo de esta manera este bello encuentro. Los dos vivieron casados mas de 60 años, un ejemplo de que la fidelidad a la esposa y la familia son los baluarte mas importante de la vida.

Ese espíritu de lucha también lo impregno en sus estudios. Un erudito en historia, lo cual lo llevo a escribir varios libros. Su ejemplo se impregno en sus nietos, de los cuales han tomado ejemplo y han salido estudiantes luchadores, ingenieros, arquitectos, historiadoras, programadores y si Dios me lo permite un medico. Parte de ese titulo ira en su honor.

El momento mas memorable que tuve con el fue hace poco mas de un año cuando lo fui a visitar el verano del 2010. Mis tías se había ido de la casa por un día y me dejaron encargado a que cuidara al abuelo. Esa mañana fui a correr por la ciudad y casi llego tarde a su momento mas importante la hora del te, no le gustaba llegar tarde porque no quería que tomaran su mesa favorita. Al final llegamos y estaba su campo preferido. Pidió un montón de comida hasta no poder comer mas. Luego en la tarde paso con un poco de fiebre, lo cuide todo el día, créanme fue un honor el poder hacerlo.

La faceta preferida para de mi abuelo era que también era un gran cocinero. El hombre dibujaba, escribía y también cocinaba súper rico. No se que era pero cualquier cosa que cocinaba le quedaba delicioso. El platillo que mas recordare de el es un huevo con carne de res y anguila en arroz blanco.

Mi abuelo fue y siempre será un ejemplo en mi vida. Se que cada uno de ustedes tuvieron sus buenos momentos con el, espero que lo recordemos como un ejemplo a seguir. Ya los dos el y la abuela nos dejaron, espero que Dios nos permita verlos de nuevo en la eternidad.

Abuelo, me dejas un gran vacío que te hayas ido y no te pueda volver a ver aquí en la tierra, si Dios lo permite espero que nos podamos ver de nuevo, que será en la eternidad.

Tu nieto querido,


Convo with my bro: (10:50 pm)

la verdad cada dia me pongo a pensar
lo pequeno q somos,
no podemos solucionar nuestra muerte fisica
y Dios es el que tiene que solucionar nuestra muerte real
tanto orgullo cargamos todos y me incluyo ahi
al final
no somos mas q polvo
y lo mas importante en verdad en esta tierra es amar a los q ves cada dia
a todo ser humano.

Alma mía! Alma mía! Raíz de mi sed viajera.

Alma mía! Alma mía! Raíz de mi sed viajera,
gota de luz que espanta los asaltos del mundo.
Flor mía. Flor de mi alma. Terreno de mis besos.
Campanada de lágrimas. Remolino de arrullos.
Agua viva que escurre su queja entre mis dedos.
Azul y alada como los pájaros y el humo.
Te parió mi nostalgia, mi sed, mi ansia, mi espanto.
Y estallaste en mis brazos como en la flor el fruto.

Eres. Entonces eres y te buscaba entonces.
Eres labios de beso, fruta de sueños, todo.
Estás, eres y te amo! Te llamo y me respondes!
Luminaria de luna sobre los campos solos.
Flor mía, flor de mi alma, qué más para esta vida!

----Pablo Neruda

Kandom note: I miss speaking Spanish. I miss my roots.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Abba's joy

One of my anchor points is to behold Abba when I walk out the door. My focus this week was to realize His joy and admiration towards me.

I wrote a little poem to record my experience this morning:

Oh the sheer joy beaming from Your face!
Oh the magnitude of Your delight towards me!
As I behold Your glory,
I realize Your infinite joy, admiration and love
towards Your darling child.
You cheer me on.
"Strive on, child! I'm proud to be your Father."
You encourage me to work hard.
And remind me that there is a bright future ahead.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Psalm 23 [Planet K version]

Last night, Mel sent me a message about how the Lord spoke to her through a welcome message in her mom's phone: "The Lord is my Shepherd."

Today, I took my break from my busy routine. I went to a small grassy knoll near UBC, and meditated upon Psalm 23 as I composed this poem for the Lord.

The Lord is my Beloved;
He satisfies my heart.
He makes me lie down in His vineyard:
He leads me to His Inner Chambers.
He restores my weary-soul: He leadeth me in the Everlasting Way for He loves me so.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of accusations, I will fear no evil:
For You are with me.
Your word and Your love comfort me.
You prepare a feast in the presence of my enemies.
You fill my life with joy;
My cup overflows.
Surely Your personal love and grace shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the Household of God for ever.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


As I walk out of class, I see my friend."You're the most un-asian friend I have."
"Remember the time when we were eating noodles at Aberdeen center? you had noodles all over the table."
"You are so clumsy."
"I'm sorry if I'm not Asian enough for your liking."

On my way to the bus loop, with friend."Why don't you want to live with your mom?"
"How old are you?"
"You're 22. Would you like to live with your mom?"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Graduation is coming up, and I honestly don't know what to do with my life. I applied to Education (my dream) but everything seems so uncertain right now. But I know for sure that the Lord has the best plan for me. He has the most beautiful heart towards me. Each step of my life is detailedly planned by my Abba and my Beloved.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


"I have so much of you in my heart..."

-John Keats in his letter to Fanny Brawne.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mi Unicornio Azul

Este blog post me sacó una lagrima del corazón y me inspiró a amar más a mis padres y a la gente de mi alrededor.

Gracias Guthita por compartir:

Mi Unicornio Azul

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I relate to moments in life with music. I've been having very deep meditations about the Lord and the meaning of life lately. I think this song captures my mood during these cold winter days.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Our family went to the beach to celebrate the new year. We had delicious seafood, watched the sunset together and talked under the stars at night. I had a wonderful time.

One of the most memorable moments of our day trip was watching the sunset together. The four us were sitting on one bench, huddled together, talking about our childhood and old times. At that moment, I was thinking how incredibly blessed I was to have both of my parents together. Not everyone can enjoy such privilege in life.