Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Reflections on the Midwest

It's been almost a year since I visited my best friends and my brother in Winona, Minnesota.

That trip changed my life and perspective completely.

During my years in Vancouver, I forgot who I was. I lost my identity. 

But when I saw my best friends, I was reminded of who I was. And that there are people who genuinely care and love me.

I was inspired by my best friends' intelligence, personal convictions and joy.

I then decided to pursue my personal dream. Fast forward a year, I am at a Teacher's training program in Oaxaca, Mexico. It's really my dream program because I get to travel, learn new things and teach at the same time.

Thank God for causing all things work together. Thank God for my best friends.

Life has just begun.

Kandom note: I will be flying to Winston-Salem, North Carolina in 2 weeks! So excited to see my best friend's family. Yeah, we were that close!

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