Thursday, October 5, 2017

Rules to live by

  • Stay away from toxic friendships, toxic family members and toxic people in general. If they are not contributing to your life (in terms of growth, joy, love), it is better not have them in your life at all or keep at arms distance when necessary.
  • Stay away from toxic religious groups. Run to the other direction. I speak from experience. Whatever I did was never enough for them. They were a manipulative, deceiving and loveless group. When I was sick, they refused to take me to the hospital. When I was away, they tried to take my money. When I left them, they talked shit behind my back (harming my reputation). Never again.
  • Do what you are good at and serve the community.
  • Travel. And travel more.
  • Learn new things.
  • Set goals and achieve them in due diligence.
  • Be yourself and be happy. 

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