Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A religious rant poem

The day I left you was joyful indeed.

I had it.
Of those religious voices,
Heckering, peckering, pestering
Oh the shoulds, musts, have-tos.
And those ridiculous social norms that foster more harm than good:
No nail polish, no worldly-music, no to being friends,
But yes to judging, gossipping, power-tripping, eye-rolling,
And to an atmosphere of fear and shame.

What happened to loving those who are broken?
Would Jesus gossip about His followers?
Would Jesus monopolize all power and take advantage of your money?
Would Jesus cut off those who did not agree with Him?
Would Jesus judge others and make fun of their brokeness?

Shame on you, modern-day pharisees!
I reject you and your fake gospel.
Stop using God and Christianity as a brand name,
To sell and mask your dark intentions. 

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