Wednesday, August 28, 2013

This Wonderful Break has come to an End

Today, I flew to Los Angeles (transit to Vancouver), and decided to stay a couple of days with my cousin and meet my newborn niece. After a 5 hour flight, I got off the plane, rented a car and drove down to Fontana. Along the way, I prayed with thankful tears to God, thanking Him for restoring my health, mind and spirit.

(The latter part of the trip was spent singing and dancing to Spanish music. I've learned to have fun with myself once in a while.)

In short, I have learned A LOT during this much needed break. I learned very important lessons. God has been very gracious to me during this time of weakness, and once again...He has swept me off my feet with His personal love towards me.

Here is a summary of the things I have learned that has made me a better person:

Fear is optional. Fear can come as a feeling, but you can easily overcome it if you decide not to succumb to it. Courage comes when you face your fears, not when you avoid them.

Your mind should be a fortified city, not a broken door: I learned that I have control over negative thoughts and emotions. The key to this is awareness and discernment. Once I know that this thought is harmful to my mind, I immediately block it. God gave us a spirit of self-control. So use it.

Love yourself unconditionally. People in your life will always come and go. The person who will always be there for you (other than God), is you! This Summer, I became my own best friend, and promised myself to fight for my own happiness, well-being and self-respect. No one else will do it for you.

Love your neighbour as yourself: Love is like a mirror. If you don't love yourself, it will be very difficult to love others. When you truly love yourself, your capacity to love others will expand. Remember, love is about seeking the goodness, edification and joy of others. Don't confuse it with lust, which seeks to satisfy carnal and evil desires.

You are responsible for your life. Are you stuck in a situation that you don't want to be? Do you hate your job? Do you want to accomplish your goals but you are just a wishful thinker? You have the power to change things. God has entrusted this life to you for a reason. And you must live it well. Don't settle for mediocre because you will never be happy. Trust me.

We were called to Freedom: Often, I encounter people who live under society's expectations, and are afraid to take risks. They sometimes are too afraid to face life that they rather live under other people's shadows. But you have to realize that this is your life! YOURS, not theirs. God gave us the amazing gift of free will to choose what we love to do, and who we want to love.

Obedience and Humility are the key to success: Ego and pride are the most destructive forces of this planet. Arrogant people rarely accomplish much. I learned that obeying God's word and having a humble attitude is the only way that I can live up to my full potential and love others selflessly.

Love deeply. Love intensely: Love is what makes my life so meaningful and beautiful. Love is the greatest truth in the universe. Love is the most honourable legacy that will remain after you pass away. Life is love deeply and love intensely. To give is more blessed than to receive.

I've learned a lot more but it will take hours to write it all down. All in all, God is good. He is a wonderful teacher and a wonderful healer. I am so thankful for my illness, and so thankful that He humbled my heart so that I can learn and apply these lessons in my life with an obedient heart.

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