Monday, August 19, 2013


Life is quite interesting.

Nobody taught you how to figure out your life. There was no manual attached when you were pushed out of your mother's womb. But rather, you find yourself in the loving arms of the Heavenly Father who has sustained you to this very day.

And then, there are those dark little moments. You are lost, but you find yourself in the most unexpected manner. Amidst tears and laughter, you recognize your own humanity -- you are not perfect, but you are indeed wonderfully and fearfully made. Your pride is broken by life's sorrows and sufferings. Your soul is sanctified in your tears and sleepless nights. You fervently sing with gratitude to that loving Father who has guided you gently to the truth.

You are humbled. And in your humility, you gain freedom and joy.

In silence, you hear the universe echo melodies of His divine love.

You discover that you are not alone. There are other human beings singing the same bucolic song like you. You discover that everyone, regardless of creed, race or shape, is made of the same precious substance inside. You learn to lay aside your differences, and embrace each other with love.

The greatest truth in this universe is love. Everything will pass away, but love is the greatest.

Kandom photos: I've been in touch with nature during these 5 months back home. A series of contemplative measures has led me to a deeper understanding of life and the universe. 

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