Friday, October 22, 2010

A little lovely thought

I was pondering upon the significance of love in our lives. Here's a little trail of thoughts:

makes things easier,
make conversations less awkward,
helps us to develop our potential,
makes us more human,
is the source of our inspiration,
is divine
helps us gain confidence and value,
erases all bitter feelings,
fully accepts and rejoice,
makes us smile,
brightens our day,
gives us hope,
gives us strength to endure,
can change a person,
can change the world,
can make a big difference,
can help us look beyond a person's fault,
gives us great hope in life,
saves us from despair,
motivates us,
and encourages us.
Love is the greatest.

I concluded that in order to make the world a better place, we need to give our love to others. We need to love ourselves and one another. But where does this love come from? It comes from God and it overflows to our lives. True love can only come from God.

Love can make a difference. If we loved the poor, we would not stand indifferent and not help them. If we loved our parents, we would try our best to hold our temper and not yell back. If we loved our friends, we would support them and accept them. If we loved those around us, everyone will be happier and more content.

I still need to learn how to love. It's a process...a bit painful, but totally worth it!

1 comment:

melzZz said...

oh LOVE...x]

hey did you get a new blog [and moved everything]? or did you change your blog name? i didn't know you could change the name xD
so happy that you're FREE!!! enjoy freedom in LOVE x]