Sunday, April 23, 2023

Life in 2023

It's been a while. 

Some of my friends have asked me if I still write on this blog. To be honest, so much has happened lately that it has been quite hard to find some time to write. But here I am :). 

Life in 2023 feels like living in the future. I started this blog in 2004, and to put it frankly, my 2004-version-me would probably not recognize the post-pandemic world we live in. Artificial intelligence, the Russian invasion in the Ukraine and the increase in mass shootings paints a very dystopic world. 

Also, I feel so grown-up in the sense that I have a family of my own...a husband and a 1-year old baby. I quit teaching last year for an (extended) maternity leave and have been traveling back and forth between Costa Rica and El Salvador to be with family and friends. I am trying to raise my daughter in bilingual (and eventually trilingual) household. Coupled with swimming lessons, music lessons, early stimulation and a few walks with nature during the week, this soccer-esque mom in the making is frankly tired. I have experiences many different types of tired in life (teacher tired, college burnout) but there is nothing like mom tired. It is a new level of exhaustion that no one talks about. It's like never having a full night of sleep and being "on" all the time. IYKYK. 

There are a couple of exciting things happening this year. I am finishing my final course in Bath this Summer and will be traveling to the Emerald Isle. Nothing can go wrong with some good ol' Guinness, Irish tap dancing and reading about Irish folklore and history. The Ring of Kerry, Aran Island and visiting the musical city of Galway are on top of my bucket list. Oh, and we also talked about visiting the Amazon Rainforest this morning with some who knows...

Life does change after becoming a mom. One of my greatest fear was to lose my identity in the process. But I am trying to find a balance. There is so much (unnecessary) shame from society of what you should do and not do as a mother. Yet no one speaks about the emotional load and toll it  brings to your life. I still want to chase after my travel, to work in education, become a writer...with my daughter by my side, always.

Anyways. Stayed tuned for more posts on motherhood, life and travels.

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