Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A reflection

A lot of changes has happened these recent years that it's hard to imagine where I was 3 years ago. 

I am so thankful that I am no longer in a place where I felt drained and unhappy all the time. It's been taking me time to heal from all those bad experiences, but I give thanks to God that those memories and people are simply ghosts from the past. I don't want to be with them ever again. 

Sadly, most of my unpleasant experiences in life has been with religious people. 

Letting go of all that negative energy and bad experiences has been a challenge. But music has helped me through the process. 

Now I can breathe, and have the hope that God has the best prepared for me. 

From those experiences, I learned to discern, to establish healthy boundaries and to weed out toxic people. 

I also learned to be more selective with who do I let into my life; people who are positive, loving and whom I can have constructive conversations. People who genuinely care for my well-being and have no ulterior motives. 

I pray for more meaningful and loving relationships in my life. 

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