[While listening to the music of the night, I converse with God]
Dear Father,
My desire is to live an authentic life
that drives me closer to You.
Even as I struggle with feelings of
I have decided to let go
and pursue
The mature path
The narrow path
and grow.
My earthly daddy told me today
To seek understanding.
Understanding and reason will set me free.
(He echoed Your words in Proverbs 3)
"Be wise in your life, my daughter.
Don't be foolish.
Be hardworking and embrace life as it is.
It is no coincidence that you were born into this life,
The heavens will teach you,
Don't be afraid,"
He said.
As an idealist, it is hard to translate my ideals into actions.
It's hard to express myself.
But my intentions are pure.
Teach me, Father, Your ways.
And I will gladly obey.
Thank You for giving me such a good earthly father.
His love and wisdom is a reflection of You.

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