Tuesday, March 25, 2014
A whisper from the Universe
"I think you are wonderful, but you don't know that about yourself yet."
Sunday, March 23, 2014
[With dad. We were eating fried fish and rice.]
"The issue of making mistakes is not the mistake itself. There is nothing wrong in making mistakes. What is important is to learn from them and move on."
I love my dad and the deep realizations that he brings me with our conversations.
"The issue of making mistakes is not the mistake itself. There is nothing wrong in making mistakes. What is important is to learn from them and move on."
I love my dad and the deep realizations that he brings me with our conversations.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Conversations with the Father
[While listening to the music of the night, I converse with God]
Dear Father,
My desire is to live an authentic life
that drives me closer to You.
Even as I struggle with feelings of
I have decided to let go
and pursue
The mature path
The narrow path
and grow.
My earthly daddy told me today
To seek understanding.
Understanding and reason will set me free.
(He echoed Your words in Proverbs 3)
"Be wise in your life, my daughter.
Don't be foolish.
Be hardworking and embrace life as it is.
It is no coincidence that you were born into this life,
The heavens will teach you,
Don't be afraid,"
He said.
As an idealist, it is hard to translate my ideals into actions.
It's hard to express myself.
But my intentions are pure.
Teach me, Father, Your ways.
And I will gladly obey.
Thank You for giving me such a good earthly father.
His love and wisdom is a reflection of You.

Friday, March 21, 2014
Meditations on the Father
"God as Father, as source, as guide, as comforter; these are the inner resources with which a man can withstand the mass assault of the world. And this is no mere figure of speech ---it is actual fact. The man of faith is aware of the solicitude, the compassion, the deepseated support of providence in innumerable silent ways even when he is attacked from all sides and the outlook seems hopeless.
God offers words of wonderful comfort and encouragement; he has ways of dealing with the most desperate situations. All things have a purpose and they help again and again to bring us back to our Father."
-----Alfred Delp,
A Jesuit priest facing the inevitability of death in a Nazi concentration camp
"Even our most intimate, unique experiences happen in our life because they encounter similar ones in other men, and thus meet themselves. The history in which we live our common life together is the place where everyone finds himself. Now there we may find a man who called simply the Son and who said "Father" when he expressed the mystery of his life. He spoke of the Father when he saw the lilies of the field in their beauty, or when His heart overflowed in prayer, when He thought of the hunger and need of men and longed for the consummation that ends all the transitoriness of this seemingly empty and guilty existence. With touching tenderness He called this dark, abysmal mystery, which He knew to be such, Abba. And He called it thus not only when beauty and hope helped Him to overcome the incomprehensibility of existence in this world. but also when He met the darkness of death and the cup which was distilled all the guilt, vanity and emptiness of this world was placed at His lips and He could only repeat, the desperate words of the Psalmist: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!" But even when that other, all embracing word was present to him, which sheltered even this forsakenness: "Father, into Thy hands I commend my life."
----Karl Rahner, in his book Grace in Freedom.
My favourite prayer for this year has become "Father, Father, I love You. Hear my tender cry." Upon facing seemingless and poignant situations, my heart can only find refuge and comfort in the Father arms.
God offers words of wonderful comfort and encouragement; he has ways of dealing with the most desperate situations. All things have a purpose and they help again and again to bring us back to our Father."
-----Alfred Delp,
A Jesuit priest facing the inevitability of death in a Nazi concentration camp
"Even our most intimate, unique experiences happen in our life because they encounter similar ones in other men, and thus meet themselves. The history in which we live our common life together is the place where everyone finds himself. Now there we may find a man who called simply the Son and who said "Father" when he expressed the mystery of his life. He spoke of the Father when he saw the lilies of the field in their beauty, or when His heart overflowed in prayer, when He thought of the hunger and need of men and longed for the consummation that ends all the transitoriness of this seemingly empty and guilty existence. With touching tenderness He called this dark, abysmal mystery, which He knew to be such, Abba. And He called it thus not only when beauty and hope helped Him to overcome the incomprehensibility of existence in this world. but also when He met the darkness of death and the cup which was distilled all the guilt, vanity and emptiness of this world was placed at His lips and He could only repeat, the desperate words of the Psalmist: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!" But even when that other, all embracing word was present to him, which sheltered even this forsakenness: "Father, into Thy hands I commend my life."
----Karl Rahner, in his book Grace in Freedom.
My favourite prayer for this year has become "Father, Father, I love You. Hear my tender cry." Upon facing seemingless and poignant situations, my heart can only find refuge and comfort in the Father arms.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
A religious rant poem
The day I left you was joyful indeed.
I had it.
Of those religious voices,
Heckering, peckering, pestering
Oh the shoulds, musts, have-tos.
And those ridiculous social norms that foster more harm than good:
No nail polish, no worldly-music, no to being friends,
But yes to judging, gossipping, power-tripping, eye-rolling,
And to an atmosphere of fear and shame.
What happened to loving those who are broken?
Would Jesus gossip about His followers?
Would Jesus monopolize all power and take advantage of your money?
Would Jesus cut off those who did not agree with Him?
Would Jesus judge others and make fun of their brokeness?
Shame on you, modern-day pharisees!
I reject you and your fake gospel.
Stop using God and Christianity as a brand name,
To sell and mask your dark intentions.
I had it.
Of those religious voices,
Heckering, peckering, pestering
Oh the shoulds, musts, have-tos.
And those ridiculous social norms that foster more harm than good:
No nail polish, no worldly-music, no to being friends,
But yes to judging, gossipping, power-tripping, eye-rolling,
And to an atmosphere of fear and shame.
What happened to loving those who are broken?
Would Jesus gossip about His followers?
Would Jesus monopolize all power and take advantage of your money?
Would Jesus cut off those who did not agree with Him?
Would Jesus judge others and make fun of their brokeness?
Shame on you, modern-day pharisees!
I reject you and your fake gospel.
Stop using God and Christianity as a brand name,
To sell and mask your dark intentions.