Monday, October 26, 2009

Isaiah 49:14-16

"Can a woman forget her nursing child, 
and have no compassion on the son of her womb?  
Even these may forget, 
but I will not forget you.  
Behold I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; 
your walls are continually before Me."

Many times, this verse has comforted my heart. The Lord thinks of me day and night...more than a mother thinks of her child. He has inscribed my name forever in His palm and He take cares of my whole life. I have no need to worry, even though life brings its problems.

As I get older, life gets more complicated. Distance and separation from my family and loved ones makes things difficult. I still have a heart of a child. I want the warmth and comfort of my family. The coldness and loneliness sometimes seems unbearable in Vancouver but I need to keep reminding myself: The Lord is with me. We walks with me in this life journey and we face everything together.

Everything I do is for Him. He deeply appreciates my decisions and actions. He loves me very dearly and has the best prepared for me. All I have to do is wait, labour and bear fruits for Him. I want my faith to be stronger so that I can yield more for Him. 

Oh Lord, I love You. I bear all things for You.

1 comment:

melzZz said...

My dearest dearest karen =]

I've been praying to our Baba to comfort you!

I can't say I have experienced what you are experiencing, cos i've never moved out from my home, >< But those times when i was apart from my family, I missed them a lot too. I remember at the beginning of the yr when my parents went back to hk for 2 weeks, right after their car left to go airport, i cried LOL.

I admire you and other sisters who are international students living away from family and in a completely new environment. I wouldn't know how I'd manage emotionally and in terms of independence and the sudden change to looking-after-your-ownself lifestyle.

But as you said, He loves you very dearly and everything you experience, He has meticulously crafted =] Haha, you have an experience with Him that I don't have x] And i'm sure He wants to draw you even closer to Him, to lean on Him even more =]

Here is a song i wrote a very long time ago...I hope it'll help you =]

Lord, Baba, Spirit and I will always love you =]

E> melzZz